Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 41-44
Alopecia areata (AA) is second most common disease leading to non scarring alopecia . It occurs in
many patterns and can occur on any hair bearing site of the body. Many factors like family history,
autoimmune conditions and environment play a major role in its etio-pathogenesis. Histopathology shows
bulbar lymphocytes surrounding either terminal hair or vellus hair resembling ”swarm of bees” appearance
depending on chronicity of alopecia areata. 1 Alopecia areata in children is frequently seen. Pediatric AA
has been associated with atopy, thyroid abnormalities and a positive family history.We have done a study to
find out if there is any association between alopecia areata and other auto immune diseases in children. This
study is an observational study conducted in 100 children with AA to determine any associated autoimmune
conditions in them. SALT score helps to assess severity of alopecia areata. Severity of alopecia areata was
assessed by SALT score-1. S1- less than 25% of hairloss, 2. S2- 25-45% of hairloss, 3. 3.S3- 50-74% of
Keywords: Alopecia areata, Auto immunity, Pediatric population.
How to cite : Nawani S, Satyasri T , Netha G N, Rammohan G, Kumar B, Autoimmune associations of alopecia areata in pediatric population - A study in tertiary care centre. IP Indian J Clin Exp Dermatol 2020;6(1):41-44
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