Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 57-61
Introduction : Lichen planus (LP) is a common papulosquamous skin disease with a prevalence 1-2%
globally and 0.1 - 1.5% in Indian studies with many morphological presentations. LP is strongly associated
with chronic HCV infection (3.1- 18.3% in different studies), while the association with other viral
infections (Hepatitis B and HIV) is not that strong. There are only a few studies in Indian patients and
the association reported is not uniform. Further studies will help to consolidate the association.
Aims and Objectives : 1) To study the epidemiological and clinico- histopathological pattern in LP.
2) To determine the serology and assess the possible association with HCV, HBsAg and HIV.
Materials and Methods : 140 patients of LP after histopathological confirmation were tested for detection
of HCV antibodies, Hbs antigen and HIV antibodies by HCV-TRIDOT, HEPACARD and HIV –TRIDOT
respectively. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS software 20.0.
Results : Most common age group involved was 21-30 years. 75.6% of the patients presented with in 6
months of onset. Extremities and trunk were commonly involved. The most common clinical variants are
classical LP(35%) and hypertrophic LP(31%). Mucosal involvement alone was observed in 9.3% patients .
HBs Ag was positive in 4 cases , Anti HCV antibodies were positive in 3 cases and HIV was reactive in 3
Conclusion : There is no significant relationship between LP and Hepatitis B, C and HIV virus. It may be
suggested that viral serology (HBV, HCV, HIV) may not be necessary in routine screening for LP.
Keywords: Lichen planus, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C virus, HIV.
How to cite : Sneha P S, Seetharamanjaneyulu K, Ramana G V, Saya S, A cross sectional study of lichen planus: It’s epidemiological, clinico-histopathogical and serological perspective. IP Indian J Clin Exp Dermatol 2020;6(1):57-61
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