Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2020
Article Page : 222-226
Background : Psoriasis is a common disease of unknown etiology, worldwide in distribution affecting men and women of all ages, races, and social strata. Psoriasis has diverse clinical variations, which mimic varied dermatological conditions and might need a histopathological confirmation of the diagnosis. Clinical and histopathological features have not been extensively studied in the Indian population.
Aims : To study the clinical and histopathological features of psoriasis.
Materials and Methods : This was a retrospective observational, single Centre study. 276 patients with psoriasis confirmed by biopsy were taken up for the study. Age, sex, duration, site of lesions, type of psoriasis, and individual histopathological parameters of psoriatic lesions were noted from the data and analyzed.
Results : The majority of patients belonged to the fourth decade with male preponderance. Chronic plaque psoriasis was the most common type, followed by palmoplantar psoriasis. Following histopathological features were seen, hyperkeratosis (85%), parakeratosis (72%), acanthosis (81%), hypogranulosis (53%), agranulosis (17%), hypergranulosis (12.7%), normal granular layer (10%), suprapapillary thinning (42%), elongation of rete ridges (73%), Munro micro abscess (34%), spongiform pustule of Kogoj (30%), capillary dilatation (90%) and lymphocytic dermal infiltration (97.8%).
Conclusion : Diagnostic features of psoriasis in histopathology are not present in all the cases. Features of psoriasis are variable clinically and even in histopathology. Hence it is the combination of histopathological features of psoriasis with the clinical correlation that helps the physician to arrive at the diagnosis in doubtful cases.
Keywords: Psoriasis, Histopathology, Hypogranulosis, Capillary dilatation, Munro microabscess.
How to cite : Anupama Y G, Patil S B, A retrospective clinicohistopathological study of psoriasis. IP Indian J Clin Exp Dermatol 2020;6(3):222-226
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