Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 320-323
Background: Psoriasis is an immuno-mediated chronic systemic disease involving cytokines of helper Th1 pathway. Vitamin D has an effect on keratinocyte proliferation, differentiation and immune modulation of immune system especially Th1 pathway, which is altered in psoriatic skin suggesting that Vitamin D may have a role in pathogenesis of psoriasis.
Aim: To study correlation between psoriasis vulgaris and serum vitamin D.
Objective: To evaluate serum vitamin D level in psoriasis cases and in control group and correlating vitamin D level with severity and duration of the psoriasis.
Materials and Methods: 57 cases (>15years of age) with psoriasis and 57 healthy subjects were recruited. Psoriasis was clinically diagnosed and severity evaluated by PASI scale. Vitamin D was analysed by enhanced chemiluminescence on vitrus Eci autoanalyzer of Orth clinical diagnostic. Vitamin D deficiency defined as <20ng>
Results: Vitamin D deficiency in the study was 22.8% in patients and 14% in control group. Vitamin D insufficiency was found in 42.1% of cases and 19.3% of control. According to chi-square the p-value is 0.003 showing significant association. There was a tendency towards decrease in vitamin D level with increase in disease duration. There was negative correlation between vitamin D and PASI score.
Conclusion: The study found a significant relationship between vitamin D and psoriasis. Further metanalysis involving larger study population will be required to establish whether vitamin D levels benefits patient with psoriasis vulgaris.
Keywords: Serum Vitamin D, Psoriasis severity and Disease duration
How to cite : Varma K, Kumar U, Gujrati R, Correlation of psoriasis and serum vitamin D. IP Indian J Clin Exp Dermatol 2021;7(4):320-323
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Received : 21-10-2021
Accepted : 09-11-2021
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