Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 14-16
Background: Lichen planus (LP), the prototype of lichenoid dermatoses, is an idioÂpathic inflammatory disease of the skin and mucous membrane. LP is a papulosquamous skin eruption characterized by ‘6P’: pruritus, polygonal shape, planar, purple color, papules and plaques. The etiology and pathogenesis of LP are not fully understood, but the disorder has been associated with multiple environmental exposures, including viral infections, medications, vaccinations and dental restorative materials. LP is associated with diabetes mellitus, Increased prevalence of diabetes and carbohydrate intolerance has been observed in patients with LP.
Aim: To evaluate the association between DM and LP.
Objectives: To identify and select clinically diagnosed cases of LP.
To analyse and evaluate the profile of LP patients.
To evaluate association of DM with LP.
Method: It was observational cross sectional study. In this study, 100 patients with LP were enrolled visiting dermatology clinic of our hospital during a span of one year. Inclusion and Exclusion criteria were taken into consideration.
Results: Among 100 patients with LP, 33(33%) had diabetes with a significant statistical association. In the present study, FBS (>100 mg/dl) was significantly high in 33(33%) of Lichen planus cases. Data was statistically significant with p value=0.04. The mean age of diabetic patients was 41.16.
Conclusion: Study showed a high prevalence of DM among patients with LP. There was a significant difference between the prevalence of DM among patients with LP and the overall prevalence of Diabetes. Screening for DM by doing FBS in patients with LP is required to diagnose and prevent untoward complications of DM in its earlier stages.
Keywords:Â Lichen Planus, Diabetes mellitus, Impaired fasting glucose
How to cite : Varma K, Shukla P, Association of diabetes mellitus in patients with Lichen Planus. IP Indian J Clin Exp Dermatol 2017;3(1):14-16
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