Verrucous Trichoadenoma-A Case Report of a Rarest Hair Follicle Tumour

Case Report

Author Details : P. Karkuzhali, K. Anbukkarasi, R.G Santhaseelan, Audipudi Venkata Ajit

Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2017

Article Page : 194-196

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Trichoadenoma is a rare, slowly growing benign follicular tumor, which is usually well differentiated and solitary. It was first described by Nikolowski in 1958. The lesion usually present as a non-specific nodule. The commonest sites are face, buttocks.(2) Herein We report a case of a 71 year-old female who presented with history of a solitary growth in the left cheek for 3 months which was insidious in onset and progressive in nature. No history of pain or discharge from the lesion. Clinically it was suspected to be a malignant melanoma and wide local excision of the lesion was done. The histological features showed a verrucous lesion with multiple cysts in the dermis which was proven to be that of a verrucous trichoadenoma, a rare variant of trichoadenoma.

Keywords: Benign hair follicle tumour, trichoadenoma, skin adnexal tumour

How to cite : Karkuzhali P, Anbukkarasi K, Santhaseelan R, Ajit A V, Verrucous Trichoadenoma-A Case Report of a Rarest Hair Follicle Tumour. IP Indian J Clin Exp Dermatol 2017;3(4):194-196

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