Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 3, Year : 2019
Article Page : 228-231
Introduction: Lichen striatus is an idiopathic self-limiting inflammatory linear dermatosis, mostly
affecting children. There is a definite paucity of studies on the treatment options of lichen striatus in
children from India.Routinely prescribed medications like topical steroids, emmolients and tacrolimus.
But these cases treated uniquely with topical tazarotene.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the treatment with topical tazaroteneof lichen striatus in
Materials and Methods: The present observational study was conducted in the Department of
Dermatology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and KLE Hospital, Belgavi. All children up to 10
years presenting with lichen striatus in the Dermatology Outpatient Department Jawaharlal Nehru Medical
College and KLE Hospital, Belgavi of were taken as study participants. A detailed general, systemic, and
cutaneous examination was done. Relevant investigations were carried out whenever necessary and topical
tazarotene given for application. The pre–treatment and post treatment findings were recorded in a pro
forma for analysis and interpretation of data.
Results: The prevalence of lichen striatus in our outpatient pediatric population was 0.48%. male cases
outnumbered females with a ratio of 4:2. The mean age of onset was found to be 3.7 years. Upper
extremities and lower extremities were the most common sites involved.
Conclusion: Long-term studies with increased number of cases will help in better understanding of this
rare disease in children and its treatment with topical tazarotene.
How to cite : Lunge S, Vupperla D, Patil V, Linear lichen striatus- Response to topical tazarotene - A case series and review. IP Indian J Clin Exp Dermatol 2019;5(3):228-231
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