IP Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology


Table of Contents

Year-2016 | Volume: 2 | Issue 1

Original Article

A study of cutaneous manifestations of chronic pulmonary diseases among patients attending a tertiary care hospital

Author : Arjun Ajay Shankar, Malcolm Pinto, Deepu Changappa Cheriamane, Manjunath Shenoy M

Doi :   Page No : 1-4

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1805)] [Download (907)]

Association of Metabolic Syndrome with Psoriasis Vulgaris: A Case Control Study

Author : Harsh Sharma, Krishnendra Varma, Ujjwal Singh, Animesh Saxena

Doi :   Page No : 12-16

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1668)] [Download (583)]

Clinicohistopathological correlation in leprosy: A study at a rural based tertiary care centre, Gujarat

Author : Rita Vipul Vora, Nilofar Gulamsha Diwan, Nidhi Hemant Patel, Rochit Rajesh Singhal, Pragya Ashok Nai

Doi :   Page No : 23-26

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1606)] [Download (547)]

Evaluation of efficacy and safety of modified technique of auto wart implantation in the treatment of multiple, recurrent and recalcitrant warts

Author : Mukunda Ranga Swaroop, Belagola Dasegowda Sathyanarayana, Periasamy Vasudevan, Aneesa, Priyanka Kuma

Doi :   Page No : 27-31

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1869)] [Download (615)]

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